Annual Meeting Election Notice

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Bluestone Federal Credit Union’s Annual Meeting and Election is approaching quickly.

ELECTION NOTICE: The Nominating Committee announces that there are two (2) Board of Director positions open.

  • A three (3) year term, currently held by incumbent Paul Buriak.
  • A three (3) year term, currently held by retiring member Linda Hoeck.

If you are interested in a rewarding, purely volunteer experience, please contact our Nominating Committee by calling (605) 275-1746.

Nominations for vacancies may also be made by petition, signed by 1% of the members (no less than 112). Such petition must also include a brief statement of qualifications and biographical data in a form approved by the Board of Directors.

A nominee must also submit a signed certificate stating that they are agreeable to the nomination, will adhere to the Board of Director’s Duties & Responsibilities policy and the Conflict of Interest policy and will serve if elected to office.

Copies of the petition, the bio form and the policies are available at any of the three convenient Credit Union locations and via email.

The closing date for all petition submissions is Saturday, May 4th, 2024.

There will be no nominations from the floor.

The election will not be conducted when there is only one nominee for each position to be filled.