Bluestone Federal Credit Union Board Member
Dan Brendtro
About Dan
Q: When did you join the Board?
A: June 2019
Q: Why did you want to volunteer your time for service to the Bluestone FCU’s Board?
A: Through a series of discussions with (then-vice-president) Alayna Johnson, I discovered that there was nobody on the Board with a legal background, and, that this experience gap made it more difficult—at times—for the Board to tackle and solve problems. It was my hope that joining the Board could help fill that need.
Q: What do you fill your time with outside of the Bluestone FCU’s Board Room?
A: My free-time is often spent on the sidelines of my children’s baseball, volleyball, and basketball games; running; reading; biking; dabbling in carpentry; and joining my ‘guy friends’ for morning coffee like a bunch of old-timers with stories and opinions about everything. My work-time is spent writing briefs, coaching our staff, and helping Clients tell their stories through the litigation and appeals process.