Dan Hein

Bluestone Federal Credit Union Board Member

Dan Hein

photo of board member, Dan Hen

About Dan

Q: When did you join the Board?

    A: I was elected to the board at the June [2024] Annual meeting. I was able to attend one meeting in April.

Q: Why did you want to volunteer your time for service to the Bluestone FCU’s Board?

    A: I have been a member of the CU for 30 plus years and have always loved the family feel and great service. I had recently retired from the City of SF after 30+ years and had some free time. I am also looking forward to the learning experience.

Q: What do you fill your time with outside of the Bluestone FCU’s Board Room?

    A: I have 3 kids and 5 grandkids that take up a lot of time. I also really enjoy playing pool in the winter and was actually invited into the SD 8 Ball Hall of Fame this last year. I also love to play golf in the summer with the guys.