Holly Hall

Bluestone Federal Credit Union Board Member

Holly Hall

photo of Board member, Holly Hall

About Holly

Q: When did you join the Board?

A: 2023

Q: Why did you want to volunteer your time for service to the Bluestone FCU’s Board?

A: I wanted to volunteer my time for service to the Bluestone FCU’s Board because I hoped to learn more about credit unions and community service. Additionally, I wanted to use my knowledge and background to continue to help guide the credit union. It’s also a great opportunity to network with others within the community.

Q: What do you fill your time with outside of the Bluestone FCU’s Board Room?

A: Outside of the Bluestone Board room, I like to fill my time with family, friends, and pets. Most of our family time is spent at the softball fields with my daughter. When not at the softball fields you may find me on a run with friends or my dog, Winston.