Bluestone Federal Credit Union Board Member
Pradeep (Jay) Jayaraman
About Jay
Q: When did you join the Board?
A: I have been on the Board since July 2020.
Q: Why did you want to volunteer your time for service to the Bluestone FCU’s Board?
A: I believe that Credit Unions are the most democratic form of financial services and every member has a say in how our CU operates. In order to keep this form of financial services working for its members, it is important to have volunteers from among the members to be in offices like the Board, the Executive Committee etc. Plus, being on the Board helps me learn what is going on with our CU and with the financial world in general, and makes me better informed. Therefore, it is a win-win situation for me to be a Bluestone volunteer.
Q: What do you fill your time with outside of the Bluestone FCU’s Board Room?
A: Outside the Bluestone Boardroom, I work as an Estate Planning and Immigration attorney. Otherwise, I like to go for long walks and to Rapid City where my children go to college at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.