It's Tax Time!
Bluestone FCU provides tools to assist our members in successfully filing taxes.
Members can find their 1099-INT Tax Forms on the last page of their December statement. This form is included with both paper and eStatements.
No additional or separate paper copies are mailed to members. Those enrolled in e-statements will have digital access to their 1099-INT Tax Form after January 1st inside It’sMe247 Online Banking. For those members who closed their memberships prior to Dec 2023, the form was transmitted on Jan 24th and will be printed, then mailed to the last address on file.
If you wish to review your e-statement enrollments, please visit the My Documents section of ItsMe247 Online Banking after logging in. To log in, visit the top right corner of this page.
eStatements are also available inside our mobile app. To view, login to the mobile app and click the bottom right More icon, then tap “e-Statements” from the menu. For mobile app or online banking assistance, please visit our ItsMe247 How To page.
Get your maximum refund guaranteed with TurboTax! What’s even better, Bluestone Federal Credit Union members can save up to 20%. Start today!
Bluestone FCU partners with Love My Credit Union Rewards to offer discounted Intui Turbo Tax services.
Love My Credit Union Rewards has partnered with TurboTax to offer credit union members great savings on TurboTax products. Credit union members have saved over $16M on the #1 best-selling tax software.
TurboTax guarantees 100% accurate calculations so you can be confident your taxes are done right and get your biggest possible refund. And with TurboTax Live, you can even talk with a tax professional onscreen for unlimited advice and a final review of your return.
File your taxes for free.
Get the assistance you need.
MyFreeTaxes helps anyone of any income file their taxes for free, and it’s brought to you by United Way.